Thursday, April 02, 2009

Damp House Drama Part Deux

The dudes from ServPro are here in my house right now. As I sit here typing this post, I have two fans and a dehumidifier blowing around in my boudoir. I am blogging from a wind tunnel, literally. I have been awake since 5pm Wednesday evening and I am blogging from a windy bedroom in lieu of sleep.

When the dudes first got here, they went straight to the scene of the crime- Mr. Misha's bathroom. They pulled out some detector dealios and pressed them against the wall to see where the water had pentrated into the walls. They went methodically throughout the house testing each wall. The last place they inspected was Mr. Misha's man cave. I overheard the discussion they had amongst themselves, "All this stuff in here is acting like insulation. It is like a terrarium in here. If this doesn't get cleaned out, we will have mold all the way up into the walls and ceiling."

Ooooooooooh. That didn't bode well for Mr. Misha. He was out helping his cousin with a computer problem and looking for packing boxes. I sent him a text telling him about the man cave. He called me and assured me that he would be coming home to attack the man cave ASAP.

Meanwhile, the dudes started removing the baseboards and drilling holes in the bottom of the walls. Then, they vacuumed. Then they brought in......... 

Which thrilled me because I so enjoyed having fans run constantly from Friday til Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday seemed so empty without their constant drone. Plus, I really missed the added bonus of exacerbating my lovely spring allergies. So now I feel pretty fricken lovely- sleep deprived, sensory overloaded, itchy, sneezy, snotty and dusty. As my friend Emily would say, Awesomesauce!

But then I started talking to Ray, the hawt ServPro dude. He told me that he was coming back tomorrow and he was bringing a bigger crew. Then he rattled off the list of presents he was bringing me:

  • A POD to store all of my furniture
  • Packing boxes and materials.
  • People to pack my stuff into said boxes
  • People to move said boxes and my furniture into aforementioned POD
  • Dudes to clean up the garbage in the Man Cave
  • Dudes to haul away all of the garbage from the Man Cave
  • Dudes to haul away all of the moldy carpet and padding
  • Dudes to clean the walls, the floors and anything else that needs to be cleaned.
  • Chicks and Dudes to do anything we need to do to make the house better.

I won't complain about the fucking fans anymore, I promise.


  1. Tanya (AnthroGeek)April 2, 2009 at 5:20 PM

    At least there will be lots of help!!! :)

  2. I know! I am sooooooo excited!

  3. That's a lot of dudes. At least SOME of them had to be hawt!

  4. I shall tweet the hawt dude tally tomorrow.

  5. I've been gone all day. Hawt dude update? Hello?

  6. Thanks for following I put your name in for the freebie! On April 10th I'll have my daughter draw a name from a hat to see who wins and post it in video form!!! Sorry about the leak. That happended to us too. I hate the musty smell but it goes away! The fans are really loud too! I totally remember that!!!
    Love the red hair :)

  7. Thank you for following, for reading, etc.

    I look forward to learning about some crafts from your blog!

  8. I tweeted the Hawt dude tally.
