Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog For Choice 2012

This year, the question posed for Blog for Choice Day is "What will you do to help elect pro-choice candidates in 2012?"

I'm going to vote.  

I'm going to make sure Mr. Misha, my mom and anyone else I know who is pro-choice votes.  I'll drive them to the polls.  I'll pick up voter registration forms for them.  I'll take them to the post office to mail their absentee ballot.  I'll watch their kids while they go to the polls.  I'll get informed on all the local candidates and make sure everyone I know is aware who the pro-choice candidates are.  

Third:  I'm going to make calls, write letters and use social media to get the word out.  I'll call voters.  I'll call politicians.  I'll call/write/tweet/blog/Facebook  to make sure that Republican party's war on women is stopped and rights taken away will be reinstated.  I will continue to be a voice that shows how reproductive rights are being taken away, how access to reproductive care is being restricted and how it hurts families. 

I think those three things will keep me busy and help elect pro-choice candidates this year.  BUT if I have a little extra cash, which is unlikely, I will give a little to NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Emily's List or other pro-choice causes.  

What are you planning to do?  Do you have any good ideas to share?  Here are some links that will help you find a way to help this year: 

Access to Birth Control Protected

Thank President Obama for ensuring millions of women will have insurance coverage for contraceptives.
The War on Women Infographic
Do you think that it's wrong for politicians to interfere in women's personal, private medical decisions? Check out our infographic and share it with your friends.

Tell Boehner: Zero Anti-Choice Votes in 2012

The U.S. House of Representatives held eight anti-choice votes in 2011- the highest number in a decade! Tell Speaker Boehner to stop the War on Women in 2012.

Tell Senators: Stop the War on Women

Call on your senators to vote against the "Let Women Die" bill.

Stand Up for Planned Parenthood

Help stop the political witch hunt against Planned Parenthood and its patients.

Oppose the D.C. Abortion Ban

Tell your senators that the city of Washington, D.C. should be able to use its own locally raised money to provide abortion care to low-income women.

Protect Women from Pharmacists Who Refuse Birth Control

Help us get a national law in place that would put an end to denials and delays at the pharmacy counter and guarantee women's access to legally prescribed medications.

Help Stop Anti-Choice Fake Clinics from Misleading Women

Anti-choice organizations often use deceptive advertisements to lure women facing an unintended pregnancy to a fake clinic called a “crisis pregnancy center” (CPC), where they promote their anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive agenda.